Trade, Rap Classroom, College Bribery, 429 Slaves

Published: March 19, 2019, 10 p.m.

Not All Students Deserve Their Spots at an Elite College. They Never Have Guest: Shan Wu, Former Federal Prosecutor, CNN Legal Analyst, DC Lawyer who Represents College Students The college admissions bribery scandal is Top of Mind today. The FBI alleges dozens of wealthy parents, business executives and celebrities participated in a scheme to guarantee their kids admission at prestigious universities by bribing coaches and test administrators. Georgetown, Yale, Stanford, UCLA, the University of Southern California and the University of Texas are among the schools implicated in what the Justice Department says is the largest college admissions scam it’s ever prosecuted. And it’s a big blow to the idea that getting into college is a matter of how hard you work and how well you score on the SAT or ACT. Art and the Achievement Gap Guest: Mariale Hardiman, Vice Dean of Academic Affairs at Johns Hopkins Remember the rhymes and songs our teachers used to help us memorize our times tables and the 50 state capitals? Teachers have always known that a little music can help kids remember stuff. But it can do more. Especially for struggling students. Smaller Trade Deficit and Booming Economy Can’t Co-Exist Guest: Scott Bradford, PhD, Professor of Economics, BYU One of President Trump’s primary goals since taking office has been to make America’s trade relationships with other countries –like China –more balanced. That’s the goal of the tariffs Trump has imposed on goods coming into the US from some of our biggest trading partners. Auction of a Life Guest: Peter Carlson, Author of “Junius and Albert’s Adventures in the Confederacy” One hundred and sixty years ago this month, the largest auction of enslaved people in US history happened in Savannah, Georgia. This was two years before the Civil War broke out. A newspaper reporter from the North went undercover as a buyer at the auction and came back with a story that outraged abolitionists around the world. Avalanche Safety Guest: Craig Gordon, Avalanche Forecaster and Media Coordinator for the Utah Avalanche Center Avalanches happen naturally when mountain slopes are covered in snow. But most of what you think you know about them is probably wrong, if you’re basing your avalanche knowledge on action movies, disaster films or Bugs Bunny cartoons–like where Daffy Duck follows Bugs through a snow-covered pass... How many times have you seen that play out on the screen, right? A loud noise and boom, avalanche-city. Well, let’s get the facts. Praise for the Female Action Hero Guest: Kirsten Hawkes, Captain Marvel is right now the number one movie in the world –and it’s Marvel’s first female-led superhero movie.