Trade Deficit, Sunscreen Quality, Whistling

Published: July 26, 2016, 9 p.m.

The Truth about the Trade Deficit Guest: Neil Irwin, Senior Economics Correspondent for “The New York Times” and Author of “The Alchemists: Three Central Bankers and a World on Fire” Bernie Sanders says poorly negotiated trade deals have led to hundreds of US factories closing and millions of lost jobs and he’s managed to get some of his trade position inserted into the Democratic Party’s platform. Donald Trump makes the same argument, but also points to the US trade deficit as evidence of just how disastrous the situation is. But, what do deficit figures really mean? A deficit of any kind sounds like a bad thing. Except trade deficits are different from your typical budget deficit. And eliminating a trade deficit isn’t always the best thing for an economy. How Good Is Your Sunscreen? Guest: Steve Xu, MD, Resident in Dermatology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Most Americans don’t use sunscreen when they’re outdoors for more than an hour. Kids might get it slathered on a little more by parents. But adults and teens are particularly bad at using sunscreen regularly, even though we know sun exposure can lead to skin damage and cancer. So what’s the hang up? International Whistling Champion Guest: Chris Ullman, Four-time National and International Whistling Champion Few people have mastered whistling like this Chris Ullman. He’s a four-time national and international whistling champ. He’s performed in NBA arenas, on the Tonight Show and in the White House during his 30-year whistling career. In 2012 he was inducted into the International Whistlers Hall of Fame and has a memoir coming out soon about whistling. You can hear his talent at Algae Blooms Guest: Larry St. Clair, PhD, Professor of Botany at BYU and Director of the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum Every summer, lakes and ponds across the country break out in algal blooms. The Environmental Protection Agency says they’re a major environmental problem in all 50 states. We’re in the middle of one here in Provo – nearby Utah Lake has been off limits to swimming and boating for the past few weeks because of a toxic algal bloom covering more than 100 square miles. Parent Previews - Star Trek Guest: Rod Gustafson, Film Reviewer at The latest Star Trek film produced by JJ Abrams begins with Captain Kirk – played by Chris Pine – wondering whether he’s got what it takes to stay with the job. But before he formally announces his retirement from that famous Captain’s chair on the deck of the Starship Enterprise, he and the crew are needed for one more mission. That’s the set-up for “Star Trek Beyond.” Teaching Arabic in US Elementary Schools Guest: Shereen Salah, President of the Utah Arabic Teachers Association and Adjunct Professor in BYU’s Arabic Language Department Earlier this year, a student from UC Berkeley was kicked off a plane for speaking on his phone in Arabic. Suspicion and fear surround the language and its accompanying cultures, fueled by recent terror attacks and the charged political climate of this presidential election. But, in spite of—or maybe because of—these fears, public schools are launching programs that teach Arabic to elementary school students. Worlds Awaiting Guest: Rachel Wadham, Host of “Worlds Awaiting” on BYUradio We welcome back to the show Rachel Wadham, host of “Worlds Awaiting” as we discuss media literacy and great summer books.