To Look A Nazi In The Eye, US Presidents And The National Pastime Of Baseball

Published: July 27, 2018, 9 p.m.

A Teenager’s Story of Holocaust Reckoning  Guests: Jordana Lebowitz, Advocate For Holocaust Remembrance; Kathy Kacer, Author, “To Look a Nazi in the Eye: A teen’s account of a war criminal trial” In March, “The Bookkeeper of Auschwitz” Oskar Groening died. He was 96 and just about to start serving a four-year prison sentence for “aiding and abetting” the murder of more than 300,000 Jews in the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi death camp. His trial in 2015 was an important moment in the effort to bring Nazis to justice for their Holocaust crimes, and it was life-changing for a young college student who talked her way into a front row seat. That student, Jordana Lebowitz, shares her experience. US Presidents And The National Pastime of Baseball Guest: Curt Smith, Former Presidential Speechwriter, Author, "The Presidents and the Pastime" With very few exceptions, US Presidents have found their way to the ballpark on the opening day of Major League Baseball. But we don’t see presidents making a ceremonial pass to start the football season. Or a toss to start basketball. Or a kick for soccer. Why is that? Especially when you consider that baseball is near the bottom of the list of sports Americans most like to watch on TV. Nevertheless, baseball continues to have the closest tie with the White House of any sport.