Russian Doping, The Emily Effect, Gangs and Depression

Published: July 21, 2016, 9 p.m.

Russian Doping Scandal Guest: John Gleaves, PhD, Associate Professor of Kinesiology at California State University, Fullerton Today, Russian track and field athletes reacted with anger as the international Court for the Arbitration of Sport rejected their appeal to reinstate their eligibility to compete in the Rio Olympics this summer. The team was banned from the Olympics last November because of widespread doping allegations. The punishment is a first in Olympic history and yet there have been even louder calls for the entire Russian team to be banned from every sport in this summer’s Olympics. The International Olympic Committee will meet this week to consider that ban on the entire team. The Emily Effect Guest: Eric Dyches, Founder of The Emily Effect At least half a million women in the US suffer from postpartum depression every year – it is the most common complication of child birth. But only a tiny fraction of those women actually get professional help coping with what can be debilitating depression and anxiety brought on by dramatic changes in hormones, swirling emotions, the trauma of giving birth, and the exhaustion of caring for a newborn. It was a postpartum mood disorder that led to the tragic death of Emily Cook Dyches in February of this year. Her husband, Eric, and their five children are channeling their grief into helping other mothers through their foundation called The Emily Effect. Documenting Human Rights Abuse in China Guest: Nanfu Wang, Independent Filmmaker based in New York City To what lengths would you go to reveal injustice? Would you speak up despite disapproval from your neighbors? Use hidden cameras to document it? Would you be willing to face interrogation by national security agents? Filmmaker Nanfu Wang claims she witnessed all the above while filming Hooligan Sparrow, a human rights documentary which premiers this weekend in New York and next weekend in Los Angeles. Gangs and Depression Guest: Chris Melde, PhD, Professor in the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University Gang membership had been declining in the US over the last decade, but recently it’s bounced back to levels on par with the mid-90s. The Department of Justice says gangs are a “stubbornly persistent” problem with current membership at about 850,000. In addition to the violence and drug trafficking that come with gangs, a study in the journal “Criminal Justice and Behavior” says there are also mental health consequences: Young people who join gangs end up with higher levels of depression and suicide. Muscle Mass Guest: Preethi Srikanthan, PhD, Professor of Medicine in the Division of Endocrinology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Body Mass Index – or BMI – is a common way for doctors to assess whether a person’s weight is in the healthy or obese range. But researchers are finding that a BMI score is not always a good indicator of a person’s overall health. In particular, they’ve noted an “obesity paradox” that finds higher BMI scores are often associated with lower mortality. Just the opposite of what you’d expect.