Religion and Horror, Title IX and Education

Published: May 20, 2016, 9 p.m.

Religion and Horror Guest: Douglas E. Cowan, PhD, Author of “Sacred Terror: Religion and Horror on the Silver Screen," Professor of Religious Studies and Social Development Studies at Renison University College What is it about a foggy graveyard that raises the hair on the back of our necks? Why is the image of a cross one of Dracula’s greatest weaknesses? And why do movies about vindictive ghosts and demonic possessions maintain worldwide popularity, even across cultural and economic borders?  Horror movies have been fraught with religious symbolism really since the beginning of the film era. And while they certainly don’t require religious elements to be scary, filmmakers return again and again to ideas rooted in spiritual beliefs. What makes them so terrifying and why do people flock to them? Title IX and Education Guest: Robin Fretwell Wilson, JD, Director of the Family Law and Policy Program at the University of Illinois College of Law; Kif Augustine-Adams, JD, Professor of Law in BYU’s J. Reuben Clark Law School; Michael Austin, PhD, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs at Newman University Title IX is the federal law that made colleges give female athletes their due on campuses and playing fields. But there’s a lot more to it than just sports. The Obama Administration uses it as the basis for guidance sent last week to all public schools saying they must allow transgender students to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity. Title IX is also at the heart of a struggle on college campuses across the nation about how best to prevent sexual assault and respond to reports of it. BYU is among the schools wrestling with that.  This hour, we’re going to explore the history of Title IX and its expanding role as a civil rights doctrine in US education.