Race and Politics, Puerto Rico, Vaping in San Francisco

Published: Aug. 1, 2019, 10 p.m.

How Political Parties Have Fueled Racial Angst in America Guest: Angie Maxwell, Diane D. Blair Endowed Chair in Souther studies and associate professor of political science, University of Arkansas, co-author of “THE LONG SOUTHERN STRATEGY: How Chasing White Voters in the South Changed American Politics” In the last two weeks, President Trump has told four Congresswomen of color to “go back” to where “they came from.” And he called the Baltimore district of black Congressman Elijah Cummings “a disgusting rat and rodent infested mess.” The President and his allies maintain he's just being patriotic and stating facts. They argue that the people calling President Trump racist are the ones being racist. But there is a long history in America of political leaders and their parties stoking racial tension to win votes. Puerto Rican Governor Resigns Guest: Pedro Cabán, Professor and Chair of Department of Latin American, Caribbean & U.S. Latino Studies, University at Albany SUNY. Puerto Rico’s governor –Ricardo Rossello –will step down on Friday, after weeks of large public protests. Puerto Ricans are frustrated with government corruption, mismanagement and outraged by a group text conversation that leaked to the public in which Rossello and other men in government made fun of women, gay people and victims of Hurricane Maria. Typically, the secretary of state would replace Governor Rossello when he leaves office, but that post was held by a politician who has also stepped down for his participation in that obscene group chat. The man Governor Rossello has nominated to fill that spot in time to take over as Governor on Friday is facing opposition from the Puerto Rican senate which must approve his choice. To Ban or Not to Ban e-Cigarettes? Guest: Steve Schroedera, Professor of Health and Health Care, Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, UCSF E-cigarettes have become so popular among teenagers that the city of San Francisco has just banned them outright. Nobody –young or old –will be able to buy them in the city limits come January. The ban is a first nationwide. And it’s controversial, as you might expect. Genes, Germs and the Curious Forces That Make Us Who We Are Guest: Bill Sullivan, Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Author of “Pleased to Meet Me: Genes, Germs, and the Curious Forces That Make Us Who We Are” Almost everything we think we know about ourselves is wrong, says Bill Sullivan. “All of us like to think that we march to the beat of our own drum. But science has revealed that the rhythm is played by percussionists we can’t see with the naked eye. We march through life believing that we’re the drummer –but the shocking evidence reveals this is an illusion. The truth is that there are hidden forces orchestrating our each and every move.” (excerpt from “Pleased to Meet Me”)  National Weather Service Forecast Model Gets First Update in 40 Years Guest: Brian Gross, Director of the Environmental Modeling Center at the National Weather Service Did you know that the7-day weather forecast on your phone or the evening news pretty much comes from the same source? The National Weather Service has a complicated forecasting model it’s been using for decades and local meteorologists around the country use it as the foundation for the predictions you use to decide if you’ll need your umbrella today. In the last month, that national weather forecasting system got a new engine –the first major overhaul in 40 years.