Private Space Exploration, Fitness for the Elderly

Published: Jan. 22, 2016, 10 p.m.

Private Space Exploration (1:03) Guests: Alan Wasser, Chairman of the Space Settlement Institute and Former CEO of the National Space Society; Jeff Foust, Senior Writer for; Marc Timm, Program Executive in NASA’s Commercial Spaceflight Development Division It’s the mission of choice for international moguls with billions to burn—Richard Branson has Virgin Galactic, Jeff Bezos has Blue Origin and Elon Musk has SpaceX. They’re competing for bragging rights and what could potentially be big money sending rich tourists to space. Where’s NASA in all of this? Why aren’t the best and brightest who got us to the moon still on the job? Well, they are. But their role has shifted a bit. We’ll also get some details on what these private companies are up to with the rocket launches you’ve been hearing about. We’ll also start thinking really big about what it might take to get a colony built on the Moon—or Mars—and why it hasn’t happened yet. Fitness for the Elderly (52:06) Guests: Sara Madsen, Certified Fitness Trainer with the American Council on Exercise; Barbara Lockhart, BYU Exercise Science Professor; Nadine Jensen, Client of Sara Madsen The youngest Americans of the Baby Boom generation are now reaching retirement. They’re a “gray wave” affecting Medicare and Social Security spending, along with much about how society operates. Car manufacturers, clothing makers and even exercise gyms are adapting to meet the needs of this giant cohort of boomers in the 50 to 70-year-old range. Contact Sara Madsen at: (801-808-8409)