Nazi Trials, Roadside Attractions, Organized Child

Published: April 24, 2020, 8 p.m.

A Teenager’s Story of Holocaust Reckoning (0:00) Guest: Jordana Lebowitz, Advocate for Holocaust Remembrance, Kathy Kacer, Author, “To Look a Nazi in the Eye: A Teen’s Account of a War Criminal Trial”  The US marked Yom HaShoah - Holocaust Remembrance Day - this week, honoring the victims of the Nazi regime and recommitting never to let such evil happen again. Among the last Nazis to face trial for crimes committed during the Holocaust was Oskar Groening. He was known as “The Bookkeeper of Auschwitz” and in 2015 he was sentenced to four years in prison for “aiding and abetting” the murder of more than 300,000 Jews in the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi death camp. Before Groening could serve any time in prison, he died at the age of 96. But Groening's trial was the subject of a book of one teens experience in the German courtroom.  (Originally aired 7/27/18) Why World’s Largest Things Dot American Roadsides. (50:44) Guest: Erika Nelson, One of America’s Foremost Experts and Speakers on the World’s Largest Things After being cooped up at home during the pandemic, I’m guessing a lot of people will be hitting the open road when this is all over, itching for a change of scenery. Plus, gas prices are going to be really cheap for a while. You can get a head start on your road trip plans at It’s a catalog of America’s quirkiest road-side attractions. World’s largest egg. World’s largest penny. Erika Nelson runs the website and has visited everything on the list, if you can believe it. Furthermore, after each visit, she makes a miniature version for her museum, which is called – are you ready? – “The World’s Largest Collection of the World’s Smallest Versions of the World’s Largest Things. (Originally aired 5/9/2020) There’s No Need to Thank Your Digital Assistant, for Now (1:07:53) Guest: James Gaskin, PhD, Associate Professor of Information Systems, BYU Marriott School of Business We’re awfully bossy with our digital assistants, especially now that they’re a constant companion in quarantine. Every once in a while, I catch myself almost saying thanks after making a demand. It feels a little wrong to just bark orders. Alexa doesn’t seem to mind either way. But there’s been some handwringing of late about how interacting with Alexa and Google and Siri is making us forget our manners. (Originally aired 8/29/2019) Raising an Organized Child (1:22:44) Guest: Damon Korb, M.D., Author of Raising an Organized Child, Board Certified Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrician  As adults, it can be hard to understand kids. Why can’t they just keep their room clean? Why can’t they stop themselves from having a meltdown when they don’t get what they want? Why can’t they remember to turn in that homework assignment? Developmental and behavioral pediatrician Damon Korb says it’s because they aren’t organized. But not in a physical way – their brains aren’t organized. He’s written a book about all about it called “Raising an Organized Child.” (Originally aired 11/11/2019)