NAACP March, PTSD Research, Painting Now, Media Privacy

Published: Aug. 20, 2015, 9 p.m.

NAACP March (1:02) Guest: Cornell William Brooks, PhD., President and CEO of the NAACP  An 860 mile march is underway from Selma, Alabama to Washington D.C. Dubbed, “America’s Journey for Justice,” it is led by Cornell Brooks, who discusses civil rights with us from the march route. You can visit the NAACP website at  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (19:53) Guest: Warren Price, Retired Utah National Guard Medic and Recreational Therapist  Teach a man to fish, as the saying goes, and he’ll be fed for life. This next conversation puts a dramatic twist on that adage: Teach a man to fish, and you’ll save his life. Warren Price says fly fishing brought him back from the brink of suicide and emotional ruin suffering the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder. He tells his story in an autobiographical scientific article published in the Journal of Leisure and Research. It’s called, “I Tie Flies in My Sleep.”  Painting Now (44:43) Guest: Suzanne Hudson, PhD., Associate Professor of Art History and Fine Arts at the University of Southern California  In this age of digital images, photoshop, and high-tech animation, old-fashioned paintbrush and canvas art feels a little dated. Irrelevant, even. How would Van Gogh or da Vinci be received if they were painting their masterpieces today? Art historian Suzanne Hudson argues in a new book called "Painting Now" that painting is absolutely still relevant – and that its significance continues to grow.  Iran Deal (52:00) Guest: John Macfarlane, Adjunct Professor of Political Science at Utah Valley University; Josh Gubler, PhD., Assistant Professor of Political Science at BYU; Steven Lobell, PhD., Professor of Political Science of the University of Utah  President Obama peppered Congress with all kinds of tough talk in support of the Iran nuclear deal before leaving them to chew over the plan while he’s on vacation for a few weeks. We start with Iran and the impending congressional vote as we convene our monthly panel of Middle East experts.  Privacy and Social Media (1:34:09) Guest: Trevor Hughes, President and CEO of the International Association of Privacy Professionals  There is a video-sharing app called Periscope that turns any smartphone into a live broadcast camera, feeding video straight onto Twitter for the world to see. Literally anyone can be the star of their own unfiltered reality show. There’s no editing of the video, no opportunity to reconsider that image you just put out to the world. You want immediacy? Periscope is it.