Middle School Parenting, Teaching with Movies, Silver Lining

Published: July 14, 2016, 9 p.m.

Middle School Parenting Guest: Suniya Luthar, PhD, Professor of Psychology at Arizona State University, Professor Emerita at Columbia University’s Teachers College You’d think toddlers or infants would be the toughest to parent. They cry, they scream, and the little ones won’t let you sleep through the night. However, recent research shows it’s middle schoolers, with their dismissive attitudes and rebellious tendencies, who wreak the most havoc on a parent’s wellbeing. We all remember how lonely and awkward those years were for us. But was it even worse for our moms? Teaching with Movies Guests: Joanne Ashe, Founder and Executive Director of Journeys in Film; Eileen Mattingly, Education Director of Journeys in Film With smart phones, tablets and computers nearly ubiquitous now, kids are spending more time with a screen than ever – watching videos, playing games, or messaging.  It’s a source of concern for parents.  Rather than trying to get kids off the screen, though, the educational group Journeys in Film wants to capitalize on kids’ visual literacy by bringing more films into the classroom. Check out the project here. The Silver Lining Guest: Tamara Sims, PhD, Research Analyst at the Stanford Center on Longevity Cheer up! Smile! Look on the bright side! Put on your happy face! We put a lot of emphasis on the importance of happiness – maintaining a positive outlook, savoring the good times. Research shows that Americans are pretty good at finding the silver lining. Condors in Zion National Park Guest: Chris Parish, Peregrine Fund Condor Program Director The California Condor is dangerously close to completely disappearing from the planet. It’s the largest land bird in North America, with a wingspan nearly ten feet across. And thirty years ago, poaching, lead poisoning and habitat destruction made it extinct in the wild. Since then, biologists have worked to raise California condors in captivity and a few have been released into the wild, with mixed success. One pair settled in Zion National Park. Smartphone Addiction Guest: James Roberts, PhD, Marketing Professor at Baylor University and Author of “Too Much of a Good Thing: Are You Addicted to Your Smartphone?” Do you know the feeling of trying to put down your smart phone only to be lured back in with rings, beeps, buzzes, and dings? It’s not impossible to turn off your smart phone screen, but for many of us, it can be difficult. If you think you might be addicted to your smartphone, this next conversation might help you supplement your willpower with some strategies to curb the use of your phone. Consumer Rage Guest: Mary Murcott, President of the Customer Experience Institute at DIALOGDIRECT A study by Arizona State University last year found two-thirds of respondents reported feeling consumer rage at some point – often brought on by a frustrating encounter with customer service – 35 percent said they’d actually yelled, 15 percent admitted to cursing. Customers are getting angrier and the biggest culprits are cable and satellite TV companies. Phone companies are high on the list, too, and internet providers.