Measles, Inuit Parenting, Supervised Injection Sites

Published: May 1, 2019, 10 p.m.

Are Measles Really that Big a Deal? Guest: Sankar Swaminathan, Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Utah School of Medicine 2019 isn’t even halfway over and already this is the worst year for measles cases in 25 years. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says so far 704 people have been infected –most of them were not vaccinated. There have been no deaths reported yet from measles this year, though. So, is it really that serious? Back before the vaccine was widely available, the whole Brady Bunch came down with measles and it didn’t seem so bad. The Brady kids got to skip school and play monopoly all day. I know that’s just a 1960s TV show, but it’s been circulating online as evidence that all this concern about the measles today is overblown.  Lessons in Inuit Parenting Guest: Michaeleen Doucleff, Global Health Correspondent, NPR It can be so, so hard not raise your voice when your kids are misbehaving. NPR reporter Michaeleen Doucleff travelled to the northern reaches of Canada for some parenting lessons from the Inuit, who know a thing or two about keeping their cool. Puns aside, anthropologists have marveled that Inuit parents never seem to yell or get hopping mad at their young kids.  The Debate over Supervised Injection Sites Guest: Peter Davidson, Associate Professor of Public Health, Department of Medicine, University of California San Diego A controversial technique for reducing overdose deaths is edging its way into the conversation about America’s opioid crisis. “Supervised injection sites” are places where people can inject heroin under the supervision of medical staff trained to reverse an overdose. These sites have been operating in Canada and Australia for years. Now some cities in the US are considering them. Apple Seed Guest: Sam Payne of the Apple Seed Sam Payne shares a story about the 150th anniversary of the Golden Spike. How Building a Healthy Workplace Culture Makes Companies a Better Place to Work Guest: Randy Grieser, Founder and CEO of Achieve Center for Leadership & Workplace Performance and the Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute, Author of "The Ordinary Leader" and co-author of "The Culture Question" I don’t know about you, but when I think about what would make me a very happy employee, I think of big tech companies that have free sushi, lap pools, massages, and ice cream all day. But researchers say perks and privileges aren’t what make satisfied workers. It’s the culture. How to Help Your Child Navigate the Stresses of College Guest: Janet Hibbs, Psychologist and Family Therapist, Author of “The Stressed Years of Their Lives Helping Your Kid Survive and Thrive During Their College Years” Every parent I know says that sending a child off to college is both thrilling and terrifying. Have you prepared them well? Can they handle the stress? Will you be able to tell through their texts, calls and social media posts how things are really going or if they are in a crisis? Anxiety tops the list of mental health disorders among college students. It’s probably fair to say that’s also true of college students’ parents.