Lookout America, Motivation

Published: March 15, 2019, 10 p.m.

The Secret Hollywood Studio at the Heart of the Cold War Guest: Ned O’Gorman, Professor of Communication, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Kevin Hamilton, Professor of Art and Design, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Authors of “Lookout America! The Secret Hollywood Studio at the Heart of the Cold War” There’s a film called Operation Ivy. It was initially top secret and caused quite a stir when it was finally released to the public in 1952. From pictures of nuclear mushroom clouds to dogfights over Vietnam, some of the most enduring images of America’s Cold War came from Lookout Mountain Laboratory. That’s what the US government called its top-secret film studio tucked into the Hollywood Hills. For two decades the place churned out photos and dramatic films and animations done by artists from Disney. One film even starred movie star Jimmy Stewart. And then the studio quietly shut down and was mostly forgotten. Motivation, Happiness and Habits Guest: Gretchen Rubin, Bestselling Author of “The Happiness Project,” “The Four Tendencies” and “Outer Order, Inner Calm” (out March 2019) Best-selling author Gretchen Rubin is out with a new book called “Inner Order, Outer Calm.” It builds on her ideas about motivation and establishing habits. She divides people into four categories –Four Tendencies, she calls them in her book of the same name –Upholders, Obligers, Questioners and Rebels.