Lawn and Garden Panel, The Artist's Life

Published: Sept. 22, 2017, 11 p.m.

Fall Yard and Garden Guests: Taun Beddes, Horticulture Professor, Utah State University, Utah County Extension; Michael Caron, Horticulture Professor, Utah State University, Thanksgiving Point Extension It’s getting to be time – in many parts of the country – to put your flower beds to bed and ease your lawn into hibernation. Frankly, it’s time to do a lot of the stuff that’s not much fun yardwise – pulling up plants, raking leaves – the stuff a lot of us tend to let slide. So for some motivation – and some instruction on what to do and how – we’ve got our lawn and garden experts back in the studio. The Artist’s Life Guests: Lee Udall Bennion, Painter; Joe Bennion, Potter  The tiny, rural town of Spring City, Utah has only about 1,000 residents but it has attracted artists like the painter Lee Udall Bennion and her husband, potter Joe Bennion, who have made their home there for over 40 years. What does it really take to make it as an artist? Hint: possibly, working the night-shift at the dairy. To check out Lee’s paintings, click here.  For Joe’s pottery, click here.