India, Eating Disorders

Published: Sept. 4, 2015, 9 p.m.

India (1:02) Guests: Eric Hyer, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science and International Relations at BYU; Benjamin Cohen, Ph.D., Professor of Environmental Humanities at the University of Utah; Tahira Carroll, Ph.D., Teacher of Hindi at BYU  India is the second largest country in the world and the largest democratic nation, with a population four times the United States.  This is also a critical time for India as it jostles with China for global attention and superpower status. When the Chinese stock market began crashing recently, there was a fair amount of talk among Indian leaders about this being the moment to show how India’s economy is outshining its neighbors.  Eating Disorders (51:52) Guests: Melissa Smith, Ph.D., Psychologist and Certified Eating Disorder Specialist at Balance Health and Healing; Lauren Absher, Dietician at BYU Student Health Center; Jordan Younger, Blogger at  Eating Disorders aren't just about food, or about trying to have a model-thin body. In fact, those are two misconceptions that can stand in the way of real healing, according to the latest thinking on disordered eating.  What’s clear is that the problem is widespread. Up to 30 million people of all ages and genders suffer from an eating disorder in the United States.