Improving Life for People with Autism

Published: April 4, 2022, 9 a.m.

b"Living with autism comes with many challenges. In the past, the prevailing attitude was to fix or cure autism. But how could life improve for autistic people if we looked at the world through their eyes? Autistic people don\\u2019t necessarily want a cure. What they want is a better quality of life that allows them to have greater independence and be their true selves. In this podcast episode, we talk with autism advocates who argue that the way to make life better for people with autism spectrum disorder is not to force them to fit the world, but to help the world fit them. \\n\\nPodcast Guests:\\nEmily Grodin and Valerie Gilpeer, co-authors of \\u201cI Have Been Buried Under Years of Dust.\\u201d\\n\\nEric Garcia, journalist for The Independent and author of \\u2018We're Not Broken: Changing the Autism Conversation.\\u201d\\n\\nMonique Botha, community psychologist and researcher at the University of Stirling\\n\\nSarah and Larry Nannery, co-authors of \\u201cWhat to Say Next: Successful Communication in Work, Life and Love with Autism Spectrum Disorder.\\u201d"