Immigration, Climate Change, Youth Unemployment

Published: Nov. 24, 2015, 10 p.m.

Immigration (1:03) Guest: Caroline Nunez, JD, Professor of Immigration Law at BYU Governors in more than half of U.S. states say they’ll reject refugees from Syria. Can they actually do that? A similar number of states are also challenging President Barack Obama’s executive action that would allow millions of undocumented immigrants to legally live and work in the country without threat of deportation. Thus far, courts have sided with the states and blocked Obama’s executive action on immigration. Now the President is turning to the Supreme Court for final say. Anxiously Waiting (21:32) Guest: Kate Sweeny, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside When we’re waiting for news—we’re really good at anticipating the worst-case scenario and all the mental gymnastics that go along with planning for a bad outcome. Thankfulness (37:48) Guest: Sam Payne, Host of The Apple Seed We hear from Suzanne Christensen. Listen to her story about being thankful for being taught to read. Climate Change (50:06) Guest: Kathleen Springer, Geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey The American West is in a state of intense drought. California is so parched that NASA satellite data project it’ll require 11 trillion gallons of water to recover. Youth Unemployment and Mental Health (1:06:02) Guest: Sidra Goldman-Mellor, PhD, Assistant Professor of Public Health at the University of California, Merced There’s a fair amount of interest from governments—not to mention parents— in understanding what challenges young people face in the transition to life after high school. Is their failure to launch because they lack motivation? The Inner Ear (1:28:17) Guest: Quinton Gopen, M.D., Ear Surgeon in the Department of Head and Neck Surgery at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center. A disorder of the inner ear causes those who suffer from it to hear every sound their body makes? from the quick rhythmic beats of their heart, to their eyes rolling over the words of a page as they read, to food digesting noisily in their stomach. Dr. Quinton Gopen is one of the few doctors who has figured out how to accurately diagnose – and then treat – the condition. ?