Hong Kong, Tasting History, Climate & Politics

Published: July 6, 2020, 8 p.m.

The Stunning Scope of Hong Kong’s New “National Security Law” (0:32) Guest: Alvin Y.H. Cheung, Non-Resident Affiliate, US-Asia Law Institute, New York University Democracy in Hong Kong has been dealt a blow in the last week. China implemented a sweeping national security law that threatens life in prison for people who protest against or criticize the government. Popular protest chants such as “liberate Hong Kong” could now land a person in jail. How to Cook Like the Ancient Romans (21:05) Guest: Max Miller, Creator, YouTube Channel "Tasting History" If you’re tired of baking banana bread, it may be time to look at some new recipes. Or maybe some old recipes. Very old. Max Miller has been using historical cookbooks, some almost 2000 years old, to re-create dishes and ingredients from days long gone. Since early this year he’s been documenting his project on YouTube on his channel called “Tasting History.” Women Who “Camouflage” Autistic Traits Are Likely to Be Misdiagnosed, Leading to Serious Mental Health Concerns (40:07) Guest: Rebecca A. Lundwall, PhD, Associate Professor, Psychology Department and Neuroscience Center, Brigham Young University Women are less likely to be diagnosed with autism than men, partially because women tend to “mask” or “camouflage” the traits that would lead to a proper diagnosis. Researchers at Brigham Young University have found that when women do this, they’re more likely to develop serious mental health problems, like depression. For more information, please see The BYU Autism Connect website https://education.byu.edu/autism/resources The Autism Speaks website: https://www.autismspeaks.org/adults-autism Or email Dr. Lundwall at Rebecca_Lundwall@byu.edu Movies About Voting in America (52:46) Guest: Kirsten Hawkes, ParentPreviews.com A number of US states are shifting to mail-in voting this November, with the expectation that the COVID-19 pandemic may still make it difficult – or even dangerous – for people to line up at the polls on election day. This year also marks the 100th anniversary of women winning the right to vote in America. So, Kirsten Hawkes has put together a list of films about voting to inspire you. And maybe also open your eyes a bit. Why Fewer Men Go to College (1:14:20) Guest: David C. Geary, Professor of Psychology, University of Missouri More women go to college than men – it’s been that way since the 1990s. Why? New research shows that it may be due to boys’ lower reading levels. Volcanic Eruption Affected Roman Society in 1st Century BCE (1:30:12) Guest: Joseph Manning, Professor of History, Yale University Here’s a case now of climate scientists helping to rewrite history: close analysis of ice samples from the Arctic suggest that a huge volcanic eruption in Alaska helped to trigger the political and social unrest that led to the fall of the Roman Republic on the other side of the globe two-thousand years ago.