Fatherhood, Muslim Marines, The Science of Happiness

Published: June 13, 2019, 10 p.m.

Obstacles for Absentee Fathers Guest: Anthony Parnell, Executive Director and Co-Founder, Fatherhood Support Network  Nearly one in four children in the US live without their father, according to the Census Bureau. Kids raised without a dad are more likely to end up in poverty and to have substance use and mental health problems. But not all absentee fathers want to be absent. That’s where the Fatherhood Support Network steps in –their program is designed to inspire and empower dads to be actively involved in the lives of their children. Muslim Marine strives to change American misunderstandings towards Islam Guest: Mansoor Shams, Muslim U.S. Marine Veteran, Founder of MuslimMarine.org Mansoor Shams has visited 25 states with a handwritten sign that says, “I’m a Muslim and a US Marine. Ask Me Anything.” Apparently, a lot of people are surprised those two things can go together. Since the 9/11 terror attacks, American Muslims have struggled to overcome stereotypes about Islam. Mansoor Shams founded his nonprofit MuslimMarine.org to improve understanding and promote dialogue –like how he stands on a street corner and invites people to ask him tough questions. There’s a Science Behind Happiness and How to Incorporate it in your Own Life Guest: Sonja Lyubomirsky, Author of “The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want,” “The Myths of Happiness: What Should Make You Happy, but Doesn’t, What Shouldn’t Make You Happy, but Does,” Professor of Psychology, University of California, Riverside Bobby McFerrin’s hit “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” always annoyed me. You can’t just “be happy” –it’s more complicated than that. But psychologist and UC-Riverside professor Sonja Lyubomirsky’s research suggests there are things you can do right now to be happy. Lyubomirsky’s books include “The How of Happiness” and “The Myths of Happiness.” How Bigotry and Eugenics Fueled America’s Early Immigration Laws Guest: Daniel Okrent, Author of “The Guarded Gate: Bigotry, Eugenics, and the Law That Kept Two Generations of Jews, Italians, and Other European Immigrants Out of America”  Among those who believe too many immigrants are coming to America –legally or otherwise –the questions are: How many is the right amount? And who do we want coming here? Should it be based on who they already know in America –or on what they can offer our economy? President Trump would prefer a focus on skills and he’d like all immigrants to learn English and pass a civics test before admission. He’s also talked about banning immigrants from certain countries. None of this is new to America. A hundred years ago, advocates for restricting immigration spent decades trying to get a literacy test passed in Congress. When they finally did, it was closely followed by the harshest immigration law in US history –a law that kept two generations of Jews, Italians and other European immigrants out of America. The lessons from that law are worth closer inspection. Drowning is a Leading Cause of Accidental Death for Children Guest: Ann Marie Buerkle, Acting Chairman, US Consumer Product Safety Commission  A reminder, as summer swim season arrives, drowning is a leading cause of accidental death among children under the age of 14.