Eye-Tracking and Healthy Foods, New American Leaders

Published: June 29, 2016, 11 p.m.

Abortion Rulings by the Supreme Court Guest: Lynn Wardle, JD, Professor of Biomedical Ethics and Family Law at BYU The nation’s highest court finished its term this week with an abortion decision many are calling “this generation’s Roe v. Wade.” It comes 43 years after that famous ruling that declared a woman’s right to abortion is included in her constitutional right to privacy. But the court also acknowledged that at some point a fetus becomes a human life and states have a responsibility to protect that life. This tension between a mother’s right to choose what she does with her body and a state’s responsibility to protect human life has been at the heart of every legal battle over abortion since Roe v. Wade – including this week’s ruling by the Supreme Court.  Eye-Tracking Healthy Food Guest: Dan Graham, PhD, Colorado State University Public Health Researcher The nutritional labels on the back of food products in the US are getting an overhaul. By 2018, the total calories will be in much bigger font on the label and there’ll be a new line listing how much sugar has been added to the food.  New American Leaders Guest: Sayu Bhojwani, PhD, Founder and President of the New American Leaders Project The world is a hostile place to be an immigrant right now. The European Union is fraying under the weight of the migrant crisis and fear of terrorism. Donald Trump is fanning the flames in America with his call for a wall on the border with Mexico and a ban on Muslim immigrants.  If more first and second generation immigrants held political office, things might be different. If you look at elected positions nationwide – ranging from county commissions to Congress – less than 2 percent are held by Latinos or Asian Americans. And yet, they make up 22 percent of the total population.  Apple Seed Guest: Sam Payne, Host of BYUradio’s “The Apple Seed” Sam Payne joins us in studio each week with insights on tellers and stories. Constructed Languages Guest: Dirk Elzinga, PhD, Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics and English Languages at BYU Star Trek is 50 this year and among the things we can thank it for – besides William Shatner – is Klingon.  Star Trek movie actors aren’t speaking gibberish. Klingon is a complete language with grammar and sentence structure and whole dictionaries of vocabulary. Someone has even written an opera performed entirely in Klingon.  This is not just a sci-fi geek thing. Constructed languages, as they’re called, are very serious business for linguists.  Ethical Hiring of Domestic Help Guest: Scott Stiles, Co-Founder and General Manager of the non-profit Fair Employment Agency A form of endangered servitude has taken root in Hong Kong. Here’s how it works: Women from mostly poor families in Indonesia and the Philippines hoping to find domestic work in the homes of Hong Kong residents respond to ads from employment agencies promising a great placement. But there’s a catch: the women must pay the employment agency a huge fee – on the order of $4,000 dollars – to get the job. To do that, they take out a high-interest loan from a moneylender who’s probably in cahoots with the employment agency. And then, they’re stuck working in Hong Kong, putting all their money toward their spiraling debt and few options if things go awry and their employer turns out to be abusive.