Election Meddling, Feminist Foreign Policy, ISIS Looting on Facebook

Published: Aug. 11, 2020, 8 p.m.

China and Russia Both Have Preferences for 2020, But Russia's Election Meddling is More Underhanded (0:30) Guest: Ryan Vogel, Director of the Center for National Security Studies, Utah Valley University The top US intelligence official in charge of election security says Russia and China are both actively involved in trying to influence the 2020 Election. China prefers that President Trump not win re-election. Russia, on the other hand, appears primarily focused on undermining former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign–which could mean that Russia wants President Trump to stay in office another four years.  What is “Feminist Foreign Policy”? (21:54) Guest:  Lyric Thompson, Senior Director of Policy and Advocacy, International Center for Research on Women What does it mean for a country to have a “feminist foreign policy?” The International Center for Research on Women just released a road map for what that would look like in the United States. Universal Tales of Vanity and Jealous Mothers (38:10) Guest: Maria Tatar, Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University Disney gets the credit for making Snow White a classic tale. In 1937, it was the first animated feature film ever made. The story of Snow White exists in countless other cultures–though she’s not called by that name. Why does a story of the most beautiful woman and the jealous stepmother resonate so widely? Labyrinths (Different than Mazes!) Have Benefits for the Mind and Soul (51:19) Guest: Lars Howlett, Professional Labyrinth Designer & Master Labyrinth Builder, Discover Labyrinths An interesting industry is getting a boost as a result of the pandemic—labyrinth-making. Now, a labyrinth is maybe not what you think it is. It’s not a maze for getting lost. It’s more of a meditative pathway experience and there are only a handful of Master Labyrinth Builders in the world. Artifact Smuggling Funds ISIS...And Most of it Happens Over Facebook (1:11:17) Guest: Amr Al-Azm, Professor of Middle East History and Anthropology, Shawnee State University Looters are using private Facebook groups to sell antiquities plundered from cultural and historic sites in Syria. The terror group ISIS has developed a sophisticated online network to profit from the illegal sales. Facebook last month banned the sale of historic artifacts on its platform, but some experts fear the ban doesn’t do enough. Worlds Awaiting (1:31:07) Guest: Rachel Wadham, Host, Worlds Awaiting on BYUradio, Education and Juvenile Collections Librarian, Brigham Young University What you need to know before you register your child for online school this fall.