EB-5 Visas, Grandmothers, TSA Uniforms, President Truman

Published: Sept. 23, 2015, 9 p.m.

EB-5 Visas (1:03) Guest: Carolina Nunez, J.D., Law Professor at BYU  China's President Xi Jinping is in Seattle to talk trade with big American tech companies. He’s eager to encourage US investment in Chinese companies at a time when the primary flow of money is going the other way – from China here to the US. One reason for that flow is that Chinese millionaires have been active in using a visa program that allows wealthy foreigners to get permanent green cards for themselves and their families when they invest in US companies. The Grandmother Hypothesis (19:53) Guest: Kristen Hawkes, Ph.D., Anthropology Professor at the University of Utah  The nurturing instinct of grandmothers has been a driving factor in human evolution.  University of Utah anthropologist Kristen Hawkes has been developing this “Grandmother Hypothesis “ for years and recently added a new benefit to the list of things grandmas have done for humans:  She says they’re responsible for the male  tendency to pair up, rather than mate with multiple partners. TSA Uniforms Converted into Luggage for Foster Children (44:46) Guest: Lisa Farbstein, TSA Spokesperson  Can you imagine having to put all of your belongings into two trash bags and move to a different home at a moment’s notice? This uncertain lifestyle is the reality for some foster children in the United States. Officers from the Transportation Security Administration, or TSA, in West Virginia wanted to help ease the stress of moving for foster children by providing them with real luggage they could call their own. Our American Heritage: President Truman (51:55) Guest: Grant Madsen, Ph.D., History Professor at BYU  BYU history professor Grant Madsen shares insights from the US history courses he teaches on campus here. This week he sat down with BYU Radio’s Marcus Smith to tell us some things about President Harry Truman that we may not have heard before. Good and Cheap (1:17:21) Guest: Leanne Brown, Author of Cookbook “Good and Cheap”  There are 5,600 people thanked, by name, in Leanne Brown’s new cookbook. Those 5,600 people donated more than $140,000 so she could publish her book and give thousands of copies to low-income families. Why the giveaway? Because the entire book is made up of recipes designed to feed a family on $4 per person per day.