DOJ Politics, The Mountain Messenger, Whiteness in America

Published: Feb. 20, 2020, 9 p.m.

Pres. Trump, Roger Stone and the Politics of Justice in Washington (0:31) Guest: Ryan Vogel, Director of the Center for National Security Studies, Utah Valley University President Trump’s friend and political ally Roger Stone was sentenced today to a little over three years in prison for lying to Congress and threatening a witness during the Mueller investigation. President Trump has called the whole thing unfair repeatedly on Twitter. One of those tweets came just before US Attorney General William Barr stepped in and overruled the recommendation from prosecutors in his department who said 7-9 years in prison would be the right sentence for Roger Stone. Then, the Attorney General came under fire for bowing to the political whims of President Trump. But he is, after all, an appointee of the President, so how is he supposed to handle requests from the person who can fire him at will? Robots That Sweat Just Like Us (15:46) Guest: Robert Shepherd, PhD, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Cornell University and Runs the Organic Robotics Lab at Cornell As robots do more and more of the heavy lifting for us, how will they deal with the problem of overheating? Fans can help cool them down. But what about the way humans do it – by sweating? Yeah, no way.  A robot sweating? That’s just too weird. But engineers at Cornell University have made a robot that sweats and they think it’s a pretty promising idea. Carl Butz Saves Local Newspaper (33:54) Guest: Carl Butz, Retired Computer Programmer, Owner of the Mountain Messenger The latest issue of California’s oldest weekly newspaper is on stands today – hot off the presses. Publishing a local newspaper is always a challenge, but for The Mountain Messenger, it’s basically a miracle. In mid-January, the paper was set to fold. Then retired computer programmer Carl Butz decided he couldn’t let that happen, so he stepped in with money he’d been saving to go on vacation and is now the proud owner of a small-town paper in an industry that’s dying nationwide.  What It Means to Celebrate Whiteness in America (50:38) Guest: David-James Gonzales, Assistant Professor of History, BYU; Eric Ruiz Bybee, Assistant Professor of Multicultural Education, BYU; Grace Soelberg, History Major at BYU; Don Izekor, Pre-Law Major at BYU February is Black History Month. Why don’t we celebrate White History Month? That question was asked at a panel discussion at BYU recently – and honestly, it’s something many white people might wonder. Why don’t we, in America, celebrate the culture and contributions of white citizens in the same way we dedicate space to celebrate African Americans or Latinos or American Indians? Aren’t whites just as entitled to be proud of their culture and heritage?  Some Scientists don't like EPA's Proposed Transparency Rule (1:26:18) Guest: Gabriel Filippelli, PhD, Professor, Director, Center for Urban Health, Department of Earth Sciences, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis  Usually, science is all about transparency. We want to know more about the world around us, and we want to know that the information we’re getting is fact, not fiction. An Environmental Protection Agency proposed policy change would improve transparency, but it also has scientists and physicians raising some concerns.