Does America Still Value Religious Expression?

Published: Oct. 3, 2022, noon

b'The freedom to believe\\u2014and express those religious beliefs\\u2014is embedded in America\\u2019s founding documents. But being outwardly religious\\u2014like wearing a hijab, turban or yarmulke\\u2014isn\\u2019t always respected by our society. Church membership has also been steadily declining across the country. As American culture changes, do we still value religious expression and freedom? What role does faith play in today\\u2019s society? In this podcast episode, we\\u2019re thinking more deeply about how much we\\u2014as individuals and as a society\\u2014really value religious diversity and public expressions of faith. \\n\\nPodcast Guests: \\nSimran Jeet Singh, Executive Director for the Aspen Institute\\u2019s Religion & Society Program and author of The Light We Give: How Sikh Wisdom Can Transform Your Life.\\n\\nJustin McClain, Catholic educator and author of Called to Teach, Alleluia to Amen, and Called to Pray.\\n\\nAsma Uddin, attorney, visiting law professor at Catholic University of America, author of \\u201cWhen Islam Is Not a Religion: Inside America\\u2019s Fight for Religious Freedom\\u201d\\n\\nDiana Eck, founder of The Pluralism Project at Harvard University\\n\\n(photo credit: Simran Jeet Singh by John Noltner)'