Confederate Flag, Night Eating, Artificial Reefs

Published: June 24, 2015, 7 p.m.

Meaning of the Confederate Flag (1:58) Guest: Scott Huffmon, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science, Founder and Director of the Social & Behavioral Research Laboratory at Winthrop University in Rock Hill, South Carolina  The Confederate Battle Flag is Top of Mind today. It flies on the grounds of the South Carolina State Capitol today as mourners converge to pay their respects to longtime State Senator Reverend Clementa Pinckey, who was among the nine people shot last week at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston. The murders are being investigated as hate crimes. Photos of the alleged shooter show him proudly displaying the Confederate Battle Flag. A growing chorus of voices, including the Governor of South Carolina, say it’s time for the flag to come down from its post at the state capitol; that it’s become a too-glaring symbol of racism. South Carolina lawmakers have agreed to debate the flag’s presence later this summer – they’ll need a 2/3s majority to bring it down.  Falsifying Job Applications (22:31) Guest: Robert Cardy, Ph.D., Professor of Management, Chair of the Department of Management at the University of Texas at San Antonio  The whole point of a resume is to sell yourself, put your best foot forward, and present your skills in the most impressive way possible. And so there’s a temptation to fudge a bit. Maybe just overstate your skills. In some cases – an increasing number, in fact – people outright lie on their resumes. That’s the conclusion of Robert Cardy, a Professor of Management at the University of Texas at San Antonio. He’s been looking at why people falsify their information on resumes and what happens when the lies are found out. Professor Cardy joins me now.  Night Eating (39:13) Guests: James LeCheminant, Ph.D., and Lance Davidson, M.S., Professors of Exercise Sciences at BYU  Dinner is often the largest meal of the day for Americans, and perhaps the reason is more than just cultural. A new study using brain imaging here at BYU finds evidence that food is less rewarding to us at night, which could make us prone to eating more in search of satisfaction.  American Heritage: Authenticity (52:32) Guest: Grant Madsen, Ph.D., History Professor at BYU  The culture wars. Politicians identify themselves or malign others with labels: Conservatives. Neo-cons. Liberals. Libertarians. Today, in our weekly segment called “American Heritage,” we’re going to go back to the 1960s, where Professor Grant Madsen identifies the origins of our modern culture wars. This week my colleague Marcus Smith and Professor Madsen delve into the history of the animosity that constantly creeps up in our current political culture.  Women on 20s Update (1:11:28) Guest: Barbara Ortiz Howard, Founder of Women on 20s  US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the decision to place a women on the 10-dollar bill has been years in the making, but for the last four months a campaign called “Women on 20s” has garnered hundreds of thousands of supporters and widespread media attention. That campaign has been pushing to see Andrew Jackson replaced by a woman on the 20-dollar bill and after a public vote, they settled on former slave and abolitionist Harriet Tubman.  Artificial Reef Systems (1:25:05) Guest: Alex Goad, Reef Design Lab in Australia  Coral reefs are the “rainforests of the sea,” according to the Earth Institute at Columbia University, because they’re home to a quarter of all marine species. But the World Resources Institute says 75% of the world’s coral reefs are at risk for damage and destruction. Young Australian sculptor, industrial designer and scuba diver Alex Goad has a new project called the Modular Artificial Reef System, or MARS, and it just won him a Popular Science 2015 Invention Award.