Census Question, Perfectly Human, Tipping Culture

Published: April 23, 2019, 10 p.m.

Citizenship Census Question at US Supreme Court Guest: Kimberly Robinson, Legal Reporter, Bloomberg Law US Supreme Court justices heard arguments about whether the Census survey sent to every American household next year should include a question asking about citizenship status of people in the home. Restaurants Are Trying to Fix a Broken System by Banning Tips Guest: Saru Jayaraman, Co-Founder of the Restaurant Opportunities Centers United (ROC United), Director of the Food Labor Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, Author of “Forked: A New Standard for American Dining” Here in the US, diners are expected to tip their server at a sit-down restaurant. But if you’ve travelled abroad, you know that’s not really true in most other places. And there’s a movement here in America to get rid of tipping, too. Some say it’s unfair to other workers at the restaurant, or that it encourages discrimination or that it’s just antiquated. Perfectly Human: Finding Joy in Sorrow Guest: Sarah Williams, Professor in the History of Christianity, Regent College, Author of “Perfectly Human: Nine Months with Cerian” Pregnancy and childbirth are not easy, but I know so many mothers who say the beauty of having a new baby is worth all the pain and discomfort. And that’s what makes Sarah Williams’ story so unusual. Even when she learned her daughter would not survive after childbirth, she opted to carry the baby to term. The experience taught her about God’s love and about sacrifice and about what it means to be human. Having Multiple Creative and Career Pursuits May Be Very Beneficial Guest: Emilie Wapnick, Founder of Puttylike.com, Author of “HOW TO BE EVERYTHING: A Guide for Those Who (Still)Don't Know What They Want to Be When They Grow Up” When your kid is six and she says she’s going to be a doctor and a ballerina and a school teacher when she grows up, it’s cute. But if she’s still talking like that her junior year in college, you’ll probably be a little annoyed. Pick a path and commit, right? That’s how adulthood works. Well, Emilie Wapnick says there’s no need to worry because some people just have lots of interests and the world needs those people, too.  The First Picture of a Black Hole Guest: Geoff Crew, Event Horizon Telescope Scientist and Research Scientist, MIT Haystack Observatory Physicists have known for more than 100 years that black holes exist in space, but nobody’s ever taken to take a picture of one, until now. Why did it take so long? Family Movies to mark Earth Day Guest: Kirsten Hawkes, ParentPreviews.com Two movies are arriving in theaters this week to coincide with Earth Day. The highest-profile of the two is DisneyNature’s Penguins. The other is Mia and the White Lion. But Kirsten Hawkes has some additional recommendations from the DVD library that might interest your family this week.