Census 2020, Gaming Outreach, Oil Chaos

Published: March 17, 2020, 8 p.m.

2020 Census Underway Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic (0:31) Guest: D’Vera Cohn, Senior Writer/Editor Focusing on Immigration and Demographics, Pew Research Center, @AllThingsCensus Every ten years the US counts every person living in the country. That count is underway right now, but it’s unusual for a number of reasons: it’s the first time everyone participating will be able to complete the short list of 2020 Census questions online. You may have already received the notice in the mail to hop online and do that. I did. Another big difference is that the Census is happening in the middle of nationwide quarantines due to coronavirus. How might that affect the accuracy of the count? Bringing Games to Sick Kids (20:24) Guest: Zack Wigal, Founder, Gamers Outreach Children receiving treatment for serious medical conditions will sometimes spend extended periods in the hospital, which can be hard on their morale and their friendships. Playing video games can help. Zack Wigal is a gamer who runs a nonprofit that provides video game consoles to children’s hospitals. Lamenting the Loss of March Madness and the Cinderella Stories It Promised (32:13) Guest: John Feinstein, Author of the "Back Roads of March: The Unsung, Unheralded and Unknown Heroes of a College Basketball Season” Today would have been the start of March Madness, when college basketball teams from around the nation compete in the NCAA Tournament to find out who the best team is in the US. The tournament is off because of coronavirus. So that means no Cinderella sports story to capture our hearts – that unranked, unknown team that comes from nowhere and upsets a powerhouse. Veteran sportswriter John Feinstein says those are the stories that make March Madness so great. Oil Prices Have Tanked and Not Just Because of Coronavirus Panic (50:37) Guest: David Blackmon, Energy Industry Analyst, Editor of Shale Magazine, Contributor to Forbes.com The price of oil has fallen off a cliff over the last week and it’s not just because of coronavirus panic. Global Efforts to Plant a Trillion Trees Can’t Work Unless They Address Reasons Why the Trees Were Cut Down in the First Place (1:05:41) Guest: Forrest Fleischman, Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota Department of Forest Resources The world’s most powerful business leaders have now joined conservation groups and political officials in committing to the “trillion tree” movement. President Trump announced his support in Davos in January. Exactly where should these trees be planted – and what good might they do? Movies Exploring Faith and the Call to Serve God (1:19:33) Guest: Kirsten Hawkes, ParentPreviews.com These weeks before Easter are a time of reflection and repentance for Christians, so Kirsten Hawkes of Parent Previews.com has assembled a list of films about faith and devotion for us.