Brexit, Psychopaths, Aging Women at Work

Published: Oct. 30, 2019, 10 p.m.

Is Brexit Ever Actually Going to Happen? (0:30) Guest: Wade Jacoby, BYU Political Science Today was supposed to be the last day that the UK was part of the European Union. Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised it would happen “do or die.” But here we are, and Brexit has been pushed back. Again. The government was even so confident this time that it had coins made with October 31stprinted on them to commemorate the date. After three years of delays, is Brexit ever actually going to happen? How Psychopaths Can Still Succeed in Society (23:16) Guest: Emily Lasko, Doctoral Student, Virginia Commonwealth University Psychopathy is a serious mental illness that makes people antisocial and often causes them to commit crimes. But not all psychopaths are murderers. In fact, some can overcome their darker impulses and are able to function normally in society: hold a job, get married, be successful. The Problems Women Face in The Workplace as They Age (36:03) Guest: Bonnie Marcus, Author of “The Politics of Promotion” Women often make less money than men with the exact job and have a harder time rising up through a company. Now add in age, and research shows that women in the workplace are also judged more harshly as they age than men. So working women face a double-whammy: sexism and ageism. Feminism and Finances (50:41) Guest: Jeff Hill, PhD, Professor in the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University Money is a huge life stressor, and it can often drive couples apart. Research shows that wives and husbands who manage finances together and have joint bank accounts have happier and healthier relationships. You might think that’s because working together on it would encourage open discussion and honesty and teamwork. But a new study shows that it actually has everything to do with power and equality in the relationship. The Story of Fry Bread is the Story of American Indians (1:06:08) Guest: Kevin Noble Maillard, Professor of Law, Syracuse University, Author of “Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story” “Fry bread is food.” Those are the first words of a picture book about how to make the deep fried dough and how to eat it. But in this book, fry bread is also a metaphor for the diversity and resilience of Native Americans Are the Salt Flats Disappearing? (1:22:42) Guest: Brenda Bowen, Geologist at the University of Utah Utah’s Bonneville Salt Flats are known as one of the best places in the world for car racing. Records have been set there for more than 100 years. But now the Flats are facing a shortage of the most important ingredient: Salt. There’s a lot of finger pointing going on over who’s to blame –some believe it’s the racers fault, others say the salt miners, while some pin it on the government. Or is it just a natural cycle and no one’s to blame?