Brexit, Abusive Coaches, Killer Cookie Dough, The Feldenkrais Method

Published: Jan. 23, 2019, 11 p.m.

UK, EU Officials Say It’s Time to Prepare for a “No Deal” Brexit Guest: Gregory Jackson, professor of Integrated Studies, Assistant Director, Center for National Security Studies, Utah Valley University After a dramatic defeat in Britain’s parliament last week, Prime Minister Theresa May is back this week with a Plan B she hopes to convince lawmakers to pass. They have until March 29, when, at the stroke of midnight, the UK will be out the EU, with or without a deal. Top British and European Union officials warned today that businesses should start seriously preparing for the possibility that Brexit will happen without a deal to smooth the transition. When Coaches Cross the Line Guest: David Barney, Associate Professor, Department of Teacher Education, Brigham Young University Coaches are stereotypically tough. It’s their job to push their athletes beyond their limits. But when you are working with students at the high school or college level, there are limits to how far you can push. Threats to life and limb may be rare, but yelling and other forms of emotional abuse are common. At every level of amateur sports, from youth, through high school and college, the desire to compete and win can pave the way for abuse The Dangers of Eating Cookie Dough Guest: Brian Zikmund-Fisher, Associate Professor in the Department of Health Behavior and Health Education, University of Michigan School Public Health Don’t eat raw dough. We’ve always kinda known it, right? But for the last several years, the Food and Drug Administration has made it an explicit public health recommendation. Is raw cookie dough really that dangerous, though? Apple Seed Guest: Sam Payne Sam Payne shares a story. Better Movement through the Feldenkrais Method Guest: Marek Wyszynski, Physical Therapist and Co-founder of the Feldenkrais Institute of New York We humans are rough on our bodies. We pound and strain ourselves into fitness, power through discomfort and bounce to force a deeper stretch in a stiff muscle. When something is out of whack, we’ll get a deep massage that makes us wince, or have a chiropractor crack us back into alignment. The Feldenkrais Method does none of that. Its devotees include professional athletes and concert musicians and lots of regular people who experience chronic pain.  Life Matters. Talk About Death Guest: Michelle Acciavatti, End of Life Specialist at Ending Well When the time finally comes, most Americans would prefer to die at home. But less than a quarter actually do. The majority die in hospitals or nursing homes surrounded by tubes and needles and monitors -all the trappings of modern medicine. Is that part of what makes so many of us afraid of death? Or maybe it’s the other way around –we allow all the intervention because we’re afraid to die?