Breast Cancer, Wound Healing, Terrorism

Published: April 1, 2015, 9 p.m.

Breast Cancer (1:09) Guest: Sandra Buys, Medical Director of the High Risk Breast Cancer Clinic at Hunstman Cancer Institute and a professor in the University of Utah School of Medicine You couldn't have missed the news of a rather private nature actress and director Angelina Jolie Pitt made last week by announcing in New York Times column that she’d had her ovaries removed. The surgery came two years after she opted for a double mastectomy. Both procedures were prompted by a test that revealed Jolie Pitt had inherited a defect in the BRCA1 gene. Cocaine and Memory (21:00) Guest: Barbara Sorg, professor of neuroscience at Washington State University Vancouver Barbara Sorg is the lead author of a study in the Journal of Neroscience describing a memory-related mechanism in the brain that helps explain why drug addiction is so hard to overcome. Wound Healing (40:17) Guest: Pak Kin Wong, professor of bioengineering at the University of Arizona lead investigator on the mechanism of wound healing published in the journal Nature Communications This process of cells collectively migrating to heal a wound is one of the most universal, but least understood biological processes in living organisms.  Researchers at the University of Arizona think they've unlocked the secret. American Heritage: Thomas Jefferson (53:23) Guest: Grant Madsen, BYU history professor This is the weekly appointment we have with BYU history professor Grant Madsen who shares insights with us as he teaches an introductory American History course this semester. Each week brings a new lecture topic and a deeper understanding of how our nation was founded. Terrorism in the Media (1:14:30) Guest: Amos Guiora, Professor of Law and Co-Director of the Center for Global Justice at the S.J. Quinney College of Law, the University of Utah Iraq's military today is declaring victory over the group calling itself the Islamic State in Tikrit, after a weeks-long offensive to rid the city of the extremist group. Iraq's Defense Minister pronounced the victory in a video statement. In the last few days, as the offensive in Tikrit intensified, The Islamic State released a video of its own – yet another of the notorious execution videos, known for their high production values, multiple camera angles and brutality. Today we're asking about the increasing role of social media and the internet in terrorism today - and perhaps more importantly, what role the media plays - or should play - in reporting on terror now that groups like the Islamic State can disseminate its own propaganda on YouTube and Twitter, without relying on TV stations to broadcast the videos.