Better Angels, Sleep Debt, Fasting

Published: Sept. 13, 2019, 10 p.m.

What Happens When Rs and Ds Talk With Each Other, Rather than At or About? Guest: David Blankenhorn, President, and Co-founder of Better Angels How upset would you be if your child married an ardent Trump supporter? Or ardent Clinton supporter? Back in the 60s, hardly any parents said they’d be unhappy if their son or daughter married someone from the other party. Today half of Americans –both Republicans and Democrats –told YouGov’s survey-takers they’d be uncomfortable or upset by a cross-party marriage in the family. A nonprofit group called “Better Angels” has spent the last two years bringing together ardent Democrats and Republicans in hopes of fostering civil dialogue Making Up Lost Sleep Won’t Make You Any Healthier Guest: Christopher Depner, Assistant Research Professor of Integrative Physiology at the University of Colorado, Boulder Getting enough sleep is hard! It’s tempting to skimp during the week and catch up with a good long sleep over the weekend. Fasting Slows Aging Guest: Paolo Sassone-Corsi, Director, Center for Epigenetics and Metabolism, University of California, Irvine Most religions the world over have fasting rituals. And you’ll find fasting touted all over the health and beauty magazine rack right now, too. Catching Killers with Their Family’s DNA Guest: Harley Feldman DNA solves serious crimes on TV all the time. In real life, it’s less common, but a couple of big serial killer cases have been solved using a technique that’s gaining traction in police departments. It’s called familial DNA –and it’s where police track down a suspect not in the database by finding a close relative who is. Only about a dozen states currently allow police to do this kind of DNA search. Critics say it’s a potential violation of privacy a new tool for racial profiling. But Harley Feldman is a major proponent of police using familial DNA because it’s what allowed Arizona police to finally arrest a suspect in the murder of his daughter Allison. Tom Wolfe, American’s First Concierge Guest: Tom Wolfe, Chief Concierge, The Fairmont The concierge is a fixture in luxury hotels, discreetly recommending a great place to eat or snagging you a seat to the sold-out show. But it wasn’t until 1974 that concierges even existed in America. That was the year Tom Wolfe opened a concierge desk at The Fairmont in San Francisco modeled on what he’d seen in Europe. How to Raise Successful People Guest: Esther Wojcicki, Journalist, Educator, Author of “How to Raise Successful People: Simple Lessons for Radical Results” The CEO of YouTube and the CEO of 23andMe are sisters. Their other sister is a pediatrician and professor at UC-San Francisco. Can you just imagine the questions their mom gets at dinner parties? What’s your secret? How did you raise such successful kids? Now the world can read her secrets. Her name is Esther Wojcicki. She’s a journalist and long-time teacher at Palo Alto High School where she founded a media arts program based on learning through collaboration. Wojcicki’s book is “How to Raise Successful People: Simple Lessons for Radical Results.”