Episode 8 - Reddit r/nosleep: The Chandelier

Published: Oct. 21, 2020, 5:45 a.m.


The internet has become essential in our daily lives. At some point, you might have ventured into the popular website forum called "Reddit".


In this episode, we\'re covering a reading from the subreddit called "No Sleep". This is a story published way back in 2016 titled "The Chandelier".


But though the source is horror-themed, brace yourself not for horror, but for tragedy: a devastating tale about depression and obsession. Find the reading here: https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/3q7jdf/the_chandelier/


Got any comments or suggested readings? Talk to us via Twitter (@TLDRPodcastPH) or email us at tldrpodcastph@gmail.com.

