Published: May 23, 2023, 4 a.m.


But oh those summer nights. This week, Jimmy and Larry are getting together for some gracious and sincere thank yous, Los Angeles\\u2019 boy genius, a bi-yearly Nepenthes sample sale review, debating once and for all whether or not The Talented Mr. Ripley is really The Talented Mr. Dripley, is TikTok actually ruining our favorite bars and restaurants, taking a long hard look at the iconic Fanelli Cafe, how much could a BLT actually cost, all the drama surrounding the Horses accusations gossip and, more importantly, what it teaches us about media Twitter, eulogizing the best days spent on the timeline, then James and Lawrence finally get into a litany of personal takes in an exhaustive spring summer jawnz state of the union and much more.

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