*PATREON PREVIEW* Mo Bamba No. 5 Pt. II with Jonah Weiner

Published: May 28, 2020, 4 a.m.

b'Your mission, should you choose to accept it, continues beyond the paywall as Throwing Fits continues what is already being called an \\u201cinstant classic\\u201d pod with celeb whisperer and newsletter hero Jonah Weiner. Recon don\\u2019t stop, so strap into the Blackbird Spyplane with Jonah and the boys because we\\u2019re gathering intelligence on being \\u201cThe Other Jonah\\u201d, blogging in 2020, chilling at Drake\\u2019s infamous Yolo Estate, shopping with A$AP Rocky, La Flame saving his life, Sean Parker slipping through his fingers, cooking up his dream profile, working for yourself and much more. \\xa0 For more Throwing Fits, check us out on Patreon: www.patreon.com/throwingfits.'