*PATREON PREVIEW* Hot Boys III Pt. II with Sean Evans

Published: April 16, 2020, 4 a.m.

b'Throwing Fits is pleased to welcome all the Spice Lords and Ladies behind the paywall with open arms. Join the Throw Gang for 2 more hours of raw, uncut, extra spicy conversation with The Beautiful Bald Bitch\\u2122. Sean is back in the hot seat with the boys to discuss getting dunked on by god, his incremental rise to fam, the worst Lyft ride of all time, leaning into the skid, being built for this quarantine shit, his first day out plans, why midrange celebs are the absolute worst, the pantheon of Hot Ones memes, flexing his contact list, the game show hero\\u2019s journey, having an unimpeachable approval rating, mining insults for compliments, the responsibility of influencers, the most money he\\u2019s ever spent on a meal and much more. \\xa0 For more Throwing Fits, check us out on Patreon: www.patreon.com/throwingfits.'