Published: Nov. 8, 2022, 5 a.m.


Major distribution. This week, Jimmy and Larry are back in the States for a victory lap after arguably the best week in TF history to talk our latest collab with Percival that\\u2019s available now, coming home to a deluge of flow, loafer heists, hitting the local, a smattering of airplane movie reviews, Danny Lomas as the ultimate lad and consummate host, youth being wasted on the young and their flats, poppers are back, the five-a-side match of the millennium, James in his onion bag, Lawrence\\u2019s bruised ego and knees, what a British motley crew can teach us about personal style and haircuts, a gay old time at a gay old pub, catching your boy red-handed beating off with a time machine, Mick and Kon of Industry taking us to another members-only club for the best meal in ages, the Throwing Fits and Friends Basic.Space Bazaar going Black Friday Mode, belles of the ball, the real booth MVP, wheeling and dealing, podcasting live with a supercharged battery in our back, where do we go from here and much more.

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