Why Do Third-Party Games Perform Better on PlayStation 5? | TYQ311

Published: Nov. 23, 2020, 6:59 a.m.

Here are all of the questions we answer this week:

- Why do third-party games perform better on PS5?
- What will be PlayStation’s answer to Xbox Game Pass?
- What is the difference between PSNow and Xbox Game Pass?
- Will we see mid-gen refresh consoles with bigger hard drives?
- What was the point of owning an Xbox One last gen?
- What incentives would Xbox need to raise the price of its subscriptions?
- Which current-gen system delivers an experience not found on PC?
- Will new current-gen features have you trying games in different genres?
- What EA remakes/remasters should get made?
- Did Ghost of Tsushima outsell The Last of Us 2?
- Will you now play more multi-plats on consoles than on PC?
- Are “businesses” taking donations to install the PS collection legitimate?
- What retro games should get updated with haptic feedback?
- Which property deserves a game adaptation with a unique spin?
- What would have happened if Soulsborne games were easy?

Thanks as always to Shawn Daley for our intro and outro music. Follow him on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/shawndaley

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