Ask Me Anything (AMA) Special | TYQ300

Published: Sept. 7, 2020, 7:30 a.m.

Here are all of the questions we answer this week:

- Kill, F*ck, Marry: Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo.
- What other sort of podcast would you do?
- Where do you want to travel after The Rona ends?
- What other job would you like to have?
- What were your favorite toys as a kid?
- Which are your favorite foreign foods?
- Tony, is Dascha Polanco your sister?
- What is the future of DC and Marvel movies?
- Which is the best kind of soup?
- What would you buy with $1 billion?
- Does life exist outside our solar system?
- Who would win a brawl between the members of Throwdown?
- What is your favorite type of beer?
- Which personal event would you change from your life?
- What is the craziest tattoo request Brett has gotten?
- Which was the first non-superhero comic you read?
- What hobby besides games would you do?
- What is your dream car and how would you fix it up?
- Which pinup posters did you have as a kid?
- Which movies do you enjoy rewatching?
- What senses could you live without?
- Which superpowers would you like to have?
- Do attractive people have easier lives?
- Do you write differently than how you speak?
- Are very happy people hiding something?

Thanks as always to Shawn Daley for our intro and outro music. Follow him on Soundcloud:

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