Are There Any Real PlayStation 5 Exclusives? | TYQ302

Published: Sept. 21, 2020, 6:06 a.m.

Here are all of the questions we answer this week:

- Are there any real PlayStation 5 exclusives?
- Tony, why do you dismiss games you’re not interested in?
- Will knowledgeable parents buy their kids a PS5 over an Xbox Series S?
- What can Jim Ryan do to save his reputation?
- Will Sony sell upgraded PS4 games on PS5 for $70?
- Would Xbox be better off if its games remained on consoles?
- Will the Xbox Series X pre-order launch be as chaotic as the PS5’s?
- What are your thoughts on Project xCloud?
- Will cloud gaming’s advantages help it grow in the future?
- What is the future of gaming hardware?
- Will cross-gen PlayStation games hurt PS5 sales?
- Will we see less digital game sales once all games go digital?
- Why are the media pushing an all-digital agenda?
- When will we hear about Sony's SSD NVME storage upgrades?

Thanks as always to Shawn Daley for our intro and outro music. Follow him on Soundcloud:

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