#269 Association For Women In Science - Janet Koster

Published: May 11, 2017, 5 a.m.


Ernesto runs the show solo again today while Blake is creating a podcast for another organization (need help with yours? Get in touch!). We're excited to chat with Janet Koster, Executive Director for the Association for Women in Science, the only organization in the United States working at the intersection of STEM and gender. Women have traditionally been underrepresented in the sciences and as recent as the 1960s and 1970s were not even admitted to many of the prestigious science programs. AWIS was founded in 1971 to rectify the imbalance and give women a voice and to increase visibility and opportunities for women across all STEM fields. Women entering (and already in) STEM fields face a number of obstacles men many not even recognize and AWIS is actively working to even the playing field. For more on their programs and initiatives, don't miss this episode and find out how to connect and collaborate.
