Timing is Everything

Published: April 29, 2022, 2:17 a.m.


Timing is\\u2026




That\\u2019s right.




When I proposed to my wife \\u2013 perfect location, the right words, and\\u2026 perfect timing.


One of our favorite dinners to cook at home is barbecued tri-tip. The key to a great tri-tip? Timing. The right temp, knowing when to flip, how long to let it cook, and the amount of time to let it rest. Again, timing is everything.


Getting that perfect start out of the gate as a swimmer or sprinter \\u2013 timing. The key to comedy \\u2013 timing. When to go in for that first kiss \\u2013 timing.


Investing isn\\u2019t immune to the impact of timing either. Timing is such a crucial part of what drives successful investment outcomes. Today we will explore four aspects of investment timing:


Entry Points
\\nHolding Periods\\nMeasurement Time Frames
\\nMarket Timing\\nThe intent of this discussion is to help all of us avoid some of the common timing mistakes and timing misconceptions that all investors face.


So, without further ado\\u2026


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