The Art of Earmarking

Published: April 21, 2023, 2:29 p.m.


This week\'s blogpost -


This may seem silly, but I do believe it\\u2019s important for you to be aware of who you are, how you operate, and what type of financial environment suits you best. Sure, we could poke fun at smaller plate sizes or coloring books during lesson time, but we also have to realize that our success will depend on these types of strategies and approaches that help protect us from our most common financial obstacles.


For me, the art of earmarking is such a key component of my own financial plan. I\\u2019d actually argue that it\\u2019s often these types of concepts or habits that yield the most meaningful results. Sure, you are most interested in the complex tax strategies or the intellectually stimulating investment approaches, but in the end, it\\u2019s the simple blocking and tackling that differentiate financial success from the struggle.


Give it a try. Make a list of what\\u2019s important to you - retirement, medical, charity, education, financial freedom, etc. Prioritize this list and see if you can begin to earmark and allocate your portfolio and income to match your priorities.


Let me know how it goes\\u2026


Links mentioned in this episode:
