It's All a Bunch of Pooh

Published: Aug. 12, 2022, 6:06 p.m.


A Practitioner\'s Perspective


I know I\\u2019m not the smartest guy you\\u2019ll ever meet.


And I know I don\\u2019t have a reputation or record of predicting macroeconomic events.


So why listen to what I have to say?\\xa0


Well, I have a distinctive vantage point as an advisor - as a practitioner versus an academic - who talks to investors all day long, every day.\\xa0\\xa0


I know what makes investors tick.\\xa0\\xa0I advise folks to make wise financial decisions, and I know what fears and concerns are currently dominating their thought life.\\xa0\\xa0


Today we will discuss what I believe is the number one concern on most investors\' minds, and I\\u2019ll explain why you really shouldn\\u2019t be worried.\\xa0\\xa0


But first, let\\u2019s talk about Winnie The Pooh\\u2026.\\xa0


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