Episode #20 - Create an 'Awesome Log' to Get Out of Your Slump and Improve Your Productivity

Published: Aug. 3, 2017, 7 a.m.

b'In this episode, I want to talk about an issue many, if not all of us, deal with. Things like imposter syndrome, anxiety, lack of productivity, feeling down. We all feel like that, and I\'m not different.\\n
\\nAnd just to be clear, I\'m not just talking about only the entrepreneurs and business owners. It can affect everyone; employees, parents, carers, high school students, apprentice.\\n
\\nOne thing I like to do when I\'m suffering from any of these feelings is to look at what I call my "Awesome Log".\\n

  • What is the "Awesome Log" and how to create one?
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  • It\'s a record or a log of everything awesome that you have done to remind you how awesome you are
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  • Any time you are doubting yourself, you just look at all of these amazing things that you have done
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  • You can do that capturing awesome that has happened via screenshots, audio, video, picture, text...anything
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  • Make it easy to access your Awesome Log e.g. Evernote, comput'