Set The Goals But Go With The Flow

Published: Aug. 20, 2018, 5 a.m.

Who can really get involved in property, business and investing?

That's a theme that's come from many listeners' questions in recent weeks.

Can I do it?

Can anyone do it?

Is property investing not some old, dull world dominated by old white men at the end of their corporate lives with tons of pension cash to buy discounted properties?

What about me; have asked our female listeners.

Will having these young kids stop me from having my own business; have asked our newbie parent listeners.

Do I need to wait; have asked our young listeners.

The short answer is no...

In today's show, Richard sits down with inspirational Carol Watson, and they cover the trail she's blazing in the world of property.

Her childhood, her background, and the experiences that formed her mindset and approach to life.

They cover the juggling act of being focused and determined with clearly defined goals, but yet also being open and relaxed about change, and twists in the road.

From the sourcing of individual deals for investor clients, to being a shareholder in a major land and new build development project, Carol tells her story and shows how you the listener can jump into the exciting, different, and rewarding world of property...


  • The childhood experiences that helped Carol form her skills and strategies that help her succeed in business...
  • Balancing the focused determination to chase a goal, with a laid-back response to change...
  • The world of property investing is not the domain of fusty old white men with lots of money...
  • Mindset, curiosity, and hunger: the fuel behind success...
  • Networking and connecting: how to grow beyond the circle you're in...
  • From sourcing individual deals for clients, to being part of large scale land and new build developments...