177 / This Is A Mans Job with Alison Armstrong

Published: Jan. 3, 2024, 10 a.m.

b'We\\u2019re going to kick off the year with a first on this show \\u2013 we\\u2019re going to talk about the AMAZING, EXTRAORDINARY value of men.\\nJoining me to make sure this conversation is grounded in research and celebration, is Alison Armstrong, a sought-after speaker and thought leader whose exploration of human behavior began in 1991, with her decision to study men. Her success in understanding men naturally led to studying women\\u2019s behavior and making vital connections between the two. Through her seminars, books, online programs with over a 100 hours of content and media contributions, she has been giving millions of people access to more fulfilling lives, loving relationships, stronger families, and more productive organizations.\\nIf you\\u2019re a regular listener you already know that the purpose of this podcast is to redefine what it means to be doing \\u201cwoman\\u2019s work\\u201d so that the new definition is whatever is TRUE and RIGHT for you, whatever lights you up from the inside, and whatever it means to live authentically and with purpose. FOR YOU.\\nAnd the same goes for defining \\u201ca man\\u2019s job\\u201d \\u2013 if you identify as a man, you get to be lit up from the inside too. You get to set aside the expectations and the shoulds, the pressures and the opinions, and show up in this world as the fucking magical gift YOU ARE too.\\nI want this for anyone of any gender!\\nI am not the decider of what that means. And neither is anyone else.\\nYOU are the decider.\\nLike what you heard? Please rate and review\\xa0\\nConnect with Alison and Resources:\\nWebsite: www.alisonarmstrong.com\\xa0\\nIG: @thealisonarmstrong\\nFB: https://www.facebook.com/understandmen'