The Orgasmic feeling of spiritual awakening | Alise Shelman

Published: Oct. 18, 2019, 5 a.m.


Have you created a pattern of neglecting your soul\\u2019s wisdom which has left you over-worked, over-tired and just plain over it?

Man O Man am I excited to share this episode with you! Alise Shelman is a Akashic Record Teacher and Clarity Coach. She's the woman who taught me the Akashic Records and an inspiration to anyone who is struggling with trusting their intuitive wisdom.

In this episode we dive into:

  • The Orgasmic feeling of spiritual awakening
  • How shift happens and how it's not always graceful (Her personal story of her first failed business)
  • Akashic records as a tool for grounding
  • Cosmic nudges and lining up with that soul nudge so you don\\u2019t let self-doubt get in the way.

Alise also gets really real about what she did this past year to save her marriage and much much more!

Not To mention if you sign up for a FREE 20 min Clarity Session with Alise you could win a signed copy of our book Coming Home!

Join the We are Wild Women Rising Group HERE
Dive into your Soul Blue Print Reading HERE
My fav online place to hang out is Instagram! Let's connect @iammegthompson


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