The Heavy Lifting Of Surrender { October Channeled Akashic Forecast }

Published: Oct. 10, 2020, midnight


Have you felt overwhelmed about the lack of control you've had over your life in 2020?

You. Are. Not. Alone.

I love this months channelled messages because they are direct and to the point.

The channelled messages for heart-centered witches to come outta the shadows for October.

The theme:

YOU DON'T HAVE TO CARRY THE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD. You playing small serves no one.

The window of opportunity is open for many. The air of change is here. Moving through our homes and communities. Can you feel it?

True change is on the horizon for earth and her people.

We dive into this good juju and SOO much more in these channelled messages from the Akashic Records.

You are not here to wait for permission to be your wild magical self. How would your life be different if you believed that you are the kin of the divine?


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