The Art Of Trust During Uncertain Times | Kate Leist

Published: April 15, 2020, noon


Suffering is caused from resisting what is. So, How do you navigate the challenges with more grace than.. well, ya know, suffering?

By listening in and cultivating that inner strength.\\xa0 Pivot outta anxiety and fear and lean into the paradigm shift that\\u2019s possible on the other side of this global pandemic.

Kate says "We all have stuff. We are all healing. We are all trying to fit into some unrealistic mold of who we should be and how we fit in. It's time we unravel from all the untruths we've been taught to get back to our own truth. It's time to stop playing small and start being real. It starts with taking more time for yourself to breathe deeper, move slower, and listen to your inner wisdom."\\xa0

She talks about how we've been going too hard and too fast since the industrial revolution and we\\u2019re all suffering from it. This go go go mentality is programmed into our being and this global slow down offers an opportunity to write a new story.

Will you join in a write a story you dream to see and live?

Kate helps us to get to the root of our fears and gives us tools to work with day-to-day to alchemize dat fear.

If you believe and KNOW that beauty is on the other side of this but, could always use a pick-me-up to trust the process of uncertainty and unraveling, LISTEN in boo.

\\u201cWe\\u2019ve been going too fast and too strong and too hard since the industrial revolution and we\\u2019ve been operating on this very imbalanced masculine way of valuing really hard work over anything else. Over peoples health and over quality of life. I feel like this is a global pause where we\\u2019re being asked to slow down and go inward.\\u201d



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