Protect Yourself From Psychic Attack + BONUS Tools To Transform and Transmute Dat Ish

Published: Oct. 26, 2020, midnight


Psychic attack is no joke. If you've experienced it I'm sure you've got a bit of fear around it and want comprehensive tools to protect yourself from it happening again. That's exactly what you get in today's episode.\\xa0

If you haven't experience it, or ya not sure but ya ears are perked up, you're gunna love this episode.

In this episode we cover:

  • What psychic attack is
  • Why it happens
  • Why its happening so much to empathetic heart-centered witches right now
  • How to transform and transmute it


  • If you wanna apply for the Unconventional Magic Academy Soul Purpose Academy CLICK HERE\\xa0
  • If you wanna be the first to know when the Reiki 1&2 Training is make sure you're on the waitlist by CLICKING HERE
  • I fucking love connecting w/ you on instagram! CLICK HERE


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