March Akashic Forecast | Awe-Inspiring Transformation

Published: March 1, 2021, 3 a.m.


If you've struggled with feeling like no matter how many affirmations you say, no matter how much healing you do, those SNEAKY ass fears around not being enough or worthy weasel their way into your confidence... THIS IS FOR YOU!\\xa0

This month's Akashic forecast is packed with practical wisdom + a backstage pass to a Soul Purpose Healing. <--This is for heart-centered healers & witches who are ready to step more fully into their power, authenticity and truth.

Yep, I feel you sis! This episode is for you\\xa0 if you're in that boat\\xa0 (trust me, most magical ass healers and witches are in that boat too.)\\xa0

  • Part 1 is the channelled messages for the month.\\xa0
  • Part 2 is a soul purpose healing. YEP, these are the healings I teach my clients how to perform for themselves and others.\\xa0

AND YOU get to access for free. Why? You'll see when you dive in. It's powerful and needed right now. I truly believe that the world needs the magic you have to offer & I want to support you in every way I can.

Be bold, dive in and allow awe-inspiring transformation to be your new norm.

Buckle up.

Open yourself up.

Are you ready to receive?


Let's connect on the gram HERE
Get on the waitlist for Soul Purpose Academy HERE


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